Fuse aggregates and consolidates articles, videos and opinions from all the major media outlets -- delivering personalized and complete coverage of whats happening in the U.S. and around the world.
Eliminate bias: Our cutting-edge AI algorithms continuously collect, organize, prioritize and personalize news stories from a wide variety of sources.
* Key Features:
PERSONALIZED NEWS - Your feed is tailored to your interests based on what you read and watch.
FULL COVERAGE - Swipe between related articles and videos from different sources.
TOP STORIES - We analyze content from multiple news outlets and social media to determine the top trending stories.
BALANCED - Articles and Opinions from all the major news outlets.
FOLLOW STORIES - Keep track of stories that matter to you. Get notifications with story updates.
EVERY CATEGORY - Business & Technology, Politics, Sports, Health, Entertainment and more...
RELATED VIDEOS - Watch story-related videos from different sources.